Your Guide to GDL
Una oración para describir lo que encontrará aquÃ
¿Por qué TWIG?
Somos la *única* base de datos integral de eventos y actividades que suceden en la vibrante Guadalajara.
Le encantará asociarse con nosotros debido al aumento de business RAMITA outreach te traerá.
Nuestros fans crecen dÃa a dÃa y estamos comprometidos a ser el lÃder en publicidad de eventos en Guadalajara, haciendo que sea fácil y rápido para cualquiera disfrutar lo mejor de nuestra gran ciudad.
nuestra audiencia
We help hundreds of expats make the move to Guadalajara- the right way! We know it all- the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to immigration, real estate agents, healthcare and other professionals in Guadalajara. And we help you avoid these costly mistakes by giving you access to our recommended contacts in Guadalajara.
For example, we’ve seen many people overpaying by thousands of dollars for a residency visa, who paid double for health insurance, and who were taken advantage of in real estate transactions.
All of it can be avoided if you know better and use our network of trusted professionals!
Choosing the right lawyer or immigration facilitator is critical for getting a residency visa for a fair price and in a reasonable amount of time. You don’t want to get this wrong!
Work with someone you can trust to help you find the perfect home to rent or buy.
Our agents are bilingual and worked both in the US and Guadalajara so they understand foreigners needs.
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We give you insider access to the best insurance brokers. That way you get the right insurance at the most affordable rate, without being oversold or wrongly covered.
Detailed information about your residency visa options in Mexico, and how to make sure you don’t make costly mistakes.
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Nuestra oferta
Un listado GRATIS de un mes a cambio de un descuento o regalo que ofrecerás a nuestros suscriptores cuando te digan que vienen de RAMITA (Ejemplos: 10% de descuento, bebidas o aperitivos gratis, etc...)
Después del mes de prueba, puedes suscribirte a nuestro Programa Especial de Socios por solo $200 MXN al mes (a pagar $600 trimestrales).
O si prefiere no aparecer en RAMITA, solo háganoslo saber. Es asà de simple.
Get the Relocation Tour
$300 USD
The Online Guide (a $195 USD Value)
A 4 day itinerary of Guadalajara to get a clear vision of the City
A full day with a Guide
Meeting with top lawyer and real estate agent arranged
A glass of wine with the creators of TWIG

Cómo podemos ayudar
Obtenga más exposición, más clientes y promocione sus eventos especiales entre nuestros más de 200 suscriptores registrados y 7700 expatriados activos.
Nuestro Newsletter semanal tiene una tasa de apertura del 60%.
Tenemos una presencia social cada vez mayor: Instagram & Facebook.
Organizadores de eventos
We're TWIG, the most comprehensive database of Events & Activities happening in vibrant Guadalajara. We know and partner with the most bilingual professionals in Guadalajara on a daily basis. We know and help thousands of expats in Guadalajara.
We are committed to being the expert of Guadalajara. We spent thousands of hours researching the most important topics about moving to Guadalajara. Then we had it all fact-checked by experts in each field like immigration experts, realtors, healthcare brokers, pet importers, etc. Finally, we put it all together in this easy-to-follow online guide, that it is consistently updated with factual and up-to-date information at no extra charge.
We never accept kickbacks, or any form of commissions from the providers we recommend. Instead, we pass on those savings to YOU.
We look forward to hearing from you!
~ Armelle, Nidia and the TWIG Team